Summer Adventures

The project aims to provide a safe and enriching experience for children aged 6 to 12 years in eight Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon fostering creativity, volunteerism, learning, and social responsibility among the participants during their summer vacation.




Children from 6 to 12 years, boys and girls – 12 groups- (PRL), (PRS), (SYR) and others.

(For Rashidieh, El Burj El Shemali, and Wavel camps: 2 groups per camp

For Beddawi and Nahr El Bared (NBC) camps: 3 groups per camp)

Location: Wavel, Nahr El Bared, Beddawi, El Buss, Rashidieh & Burj El Shemali centers


380 children, 6 to 12 years old, participated in this project.